Playabachata Resort

Direccion Bahia de maimón, Carretera Navarrete Puerto plata, Maimón, Dominican Republic
Telefono +1 809-320-1037
Sitio web
Categories Hotel, Entertainer, Outdoor Activity Organiser, Restaurant, Serviced Accommodation
Clasificacion 2.8 31 revision
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Hotel Playabachata Resort opiniones

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18 Octubre de 2023 16:45

Estuve hace pocos dias en este Resort sus empleados eran amables pero Wao la comida horrible muy poca variedad y lo que menos me gusto hay unas personas ofreciendoles conocer la facilidad del lado (muy bella por cierto) pero fue la peor experiencia, estas personas me tuvieron casi 3 horas tratando de convercerme en adquirir una membrecia y uno de los manager hasta medijo que si fuera GRATIS todo el mundo la quisiera a lo cual e respondi que ni al lado andaba de gratis. Quieren obligar al cliente practicamente a comprar una menbrecia sin darle tiempo ni a pensarlo y con una actitud ofenciva al cliente, nisikiera nos regresaron al hotel tuvimos que caminar al salir de ay pues al no comprarle no les interesaba, son de lo peor le ponen una precion sicologica horrible, fue uno de mis peores momentos tratar de salirme de ese lugar. Nunca mas en ese Resort poco que hacer la comida y bebida para nada, solo un restaurant, deberian modificar eso quizas atraigan mas clientes porque habia muy pocas personas por cierto.

07 Octubre de 2023 8:05

Por favor, aporta un poco más de tu dinero y ve a otro lugar donde serías más feliz. El problema cuando una empresa intenta separar estos 2 complejos turísticos es que éste es deficiente. Simplemente deberían expandirse y darlo todo a Presidential y hacerlo más asequible para que lo disfruten los locales y que no terminen recibiendo un servicio deficiente. Incluso los empleados parecían golpeados, todos necesitan una actualización y novedad. Los empleados son geniales, la gerencia aquí necesita pensar profundamente.

06 Octubre de 2023 5:14

Gran ambiente. Mucha diversión. Lo disfruté.

Las habitaciones son anticuadas y necesitan ser actualizadas, y necesitan una mejor variedad en la comida, pero fue divertido y valió la pena el precio.

05 Octubre de 2023 10:29

Yo estaba allí y el senador estaba cerca.
En términos del llamado clima caribeño y la libertad de vivir sin preocupaciones, ¡Playa Baciata gana sin lugar a dudas!
Mejor significa comida casera y regional.
Grandes animaciones en un ambiente típico caribeño.
La playa está limpia y, lo más importante, uno se tumba en una tumbona frente al mar, a la sombra de las palmeras y otra vegetación, no bajo una sombrilla.
Este no es un hotel hecho de vidrio, hormigón y acero inoxidable.
Las casas dispersas, aunque antiguas y con defectos, dan más placer a la estancia que el esplendor senatorial y el aire caliente del hormigón en el que se asa como un pollo al horno.
Sólo califico mejor a Punta Cana.

02 Octubre de 2023 19:25

Excelente, he ido como 5 veces, solo crítico las condiciones de las habitaciones están obsoletas o maltratadas, viejas muy usadas, hay que actualizar

27 Septiembre de 2023 10:56

La experiencia general con el Resort no fue la esperada. Hay mucha gente local que va allí los fines de semana, por lo que está muy ocupado con adultos, niños y todos los demás. Todo el mundo está en todas partes, la comida se acaba rápidamente y hay que tener suerte para encontrar aparcamiento cerca. Me dieron una habitación, tenía olor y la ducha rota pero me cambiaron la habitación al cabo de un día. La calidad de la comida no es muy agradable, pero después del fin de semana, cuando todos se fueron, la calidad de la comida y el servicio mejoraron un poco. Para ser un resort familiar no está mal si vas entre semana. La playa tiene muchas rocas y plantas bajo el agua, así que no me divertí mucho en el área de la playa.

25 Septiembre de 2023 21:14

La comida no es mala, pero para estar ubicado en zonas de playas, su menú no es tan atractivo.

21 Septiembre de 2023 22:43

Muy buen hotel si necesitas unas vacaciones de low cost excelentes bebidas punto negativo la comida deberían variar la un poco más, deberían actualizar las habitaciones y habilitar más entretenimiento para los huéspedes

24 Agosto de 2023 5:19

¡¡¡Horrible experiencia! Si pudiera darle una calificación de estrellas negativa, ¡lo haría!

Mi familia fue a playabachata en puerto plata. ¡¡¡Horrible experiencia! El aire acondicionado y el teléfono no funcionaban y la caja fuerte estaba rota. Fui a la recepción y hablé con alguien y me dijeron que enviarían a alguien. No hace falta decir que nadie fue a comprobarlo. Me quejé de nuevo y me apartaron. Cuando nos íbamos, preguntaron cómo estuvo nuestra estadía cuando les contamos lo que sucedió, nos miraron como si, ¿es normal? ¡Lo que sea! ¡MANTENTE ALEJADO! Muy anticuado. Hay mejores resorts.

25 Enero de 2022 18:17

Had bad experience my friend and I checked on Thursday and on Friday morning our money was stolen from our room while we were sleeping we notified the security and tourist police and they entered our room and they treated use like suspects they were searching our bags like we were lying our and also we found the room key attached to the safe that's was in closet

23 Diciembre de 2021 4:27

No tienen la atención para el personal.todo somos iguales el extranjero y el dominicano todos pagamos igual para Ester en el lugar no se debería de menospreciar por dicha razón, la comida es pésima no tienes variedad siempre lo mismo mío sorry pero para mí es el último lugar que pagaría para visitar sorry

17 Diciembre de 2021 20:30

They have the most antique power sockets and we couldn’t charge our iphones those days and when I complained about it they literally called me dumb because those power sockets are “european” and i have an american charger in Latin American, no iron in room, no clean towels, the sheets where dirty, the food was the worst part (rice and beans 24/7) and they have so many COCKROACHES all over the place that I EVEN HAD TO KILL ONE ON TOP OF THE TABLE WHILE I WAS EATING, no good drinks the only thing they had is cuba libre and piña colada LITERALLY. When they “cleaned” the room they only did the bed with the same dirty sheets and that was all. No soap, no tooth paste, no shampoo, the bathroom door didn’t close properly. The staff only speaks Spanish, I couldn’t fine anyone speaking at least English. That is the worst resort ever went to.

23 Noviembre de 2021 6:09

Service was adequate. I make several observations about the rooms.
Our original room backed onto a garden area with easy access for breakins as it was not facing a main path or the pool area. The lock on the sliding door broke. Staff were reluctant to provide a new room. We insisted. We were moved. The new room had a marginally better location but it had the smell of mildew. There were no blankets in the room so the AC was not used when we slept as we might have froze to death. Maid service was adequate as we left gifts every day.
We asked for a second key and we were provided one but it did not unlock the room. One night I was locked out of the room but office hotel staff would not open the room for me. In fact I was told that the door would have to be broken down as no hotel staff had a key. This was laughable as our room had been cleaned by a maid and a maintenance worker had just fixed our room fan. I complained to the girl who checked us in. She was surprised and said she would report it to management. As a side note I feel that some of the desk staff were reluctant to provide service or were lazy. We had problems getting bottled water on more than one occasion.
We had bacterial diarrhea and vomiting while at the resort in spite of drinking only bottled water. Food was adequate but I question hygiene practises. Not all staff are using proper methods perhaps.
The resort photos are not what you get. The former Riu Bachata was a 5 star hotel and it is under reconstruction. The new playa Bachata is actually an old resort called the Riu Merengue and Riu Mambo. The quality if these resorts is failing, with lights in rooms falling off the walls and other things not working. I had been at the Riu Bachata 14 years ago and this go round was disappointing. We did not eat in the dining room nearest our room. We went to a bigger one where the quality of food was better. Eggs were not cooked properly nor was fish on at least 2 occasions. Otherwise most food was quite good. We avoided raw veggies and cheese trays.
Drinks were ok. No complaints. The bar staff are great.
The animation team that runs all daytime activities and nightly entertainment are very young. Every day was a monotonous mix of what I would call Caribbean rap music by the pool. We coukdnt wait to get away from it. Music was way tpo loud and a poor choice as most everyone at the resort was in their 40s or older. That music was horrible. Night shows were adequate but they are tiring when the MC speaks 90% in Spanish and very poor english. He is also aggressive and will not stop yacking. We avoided the shows after a couple of nights.
The flight home was a long day with no breakfast and delayed ride in the bus with our tour guide David. He wore way too much cologne. I asked to have the bus music turned off. I was not obliged. Again not great Caribbean music. Our bus was delayed leaving as a tourist slept in. Then we were late going through the airport. We had to eat in the airport and again the food was gross. We had been without food for almost 6 hours before our flight left.
On arrival back home both of us ended up in bed for 2 days. My friend ended up in hospital for bacterial diarrhea and vomiting, stomach pain. I am still dealing with intestinal problems and I have been to 2 clinics.
Our trip was 29 May to 5 June through Sunwing. I will not ever be returning to this resort again. In addition, I think the food on the aircraft is overpriced and the selection is poor. Charge us more for the trip. I would be pleased to eat a hot meal that is catered. I feel like we had a bare bones holiday. Never again.

09 Agosto de 2021 23:21

Mal servicio, mal resivimiento no se coordinan bien para hacer nada no tienen ningún tipo de entretenimiento necesitan ponerle música a los huéspedes por más tiempo y entrenar mejor a sus empleados tienen mucho espacio para improvisar una discoteca al aire libre y no lo hacen, horrible.

09 Agosto de 2021 7:25

Remember to use ʜᴏᴛᴇʟʙᴜʟʟʏ. ᴄᴏᴍ when booking your stay. This website will compare countless booking websites and typically will have rooms much cheaper compared to others! Thank me later! This hotel is one of the most well known in the area. I've been coming here for years. If you stay for a few nights you won't be disappointed.

Excellent place for a vacation getaway! Have been coming here every year 8 years in a row!

03 Agosto de 2021 21:52

Tienen que mejorar el servicio, algunos empleados no son amables, parece que creen que es de gratis que el cliente está allá.

17 Julio de 2021 11:03

Deberian mejorar el mantenimiento de la electricidad, ya que por motivo de no haber luz electrica ni agua no me pude Ducharme antes de salir del entretenimiento para los clients departe del hotel, el bar y la comida con horas restringidas. VERY BAD EXPERIENCE!

J Ngean
17 Julio de 2021 0:52

Out of all the resorts that I've been to, this is probably the worst one. I think they probably jumped the gun on opening due to covid. A lot things were still closed but was not stated on their website or otherwise. The cafe, the shops, and pretty much all the restaurants but the buffet were closed. The nightly "shows" were not that great or even half decent. The rooms are definitely not as pictured even after we upgraded to a different room. The bathroom always had a musty smell even after trying to air it out all day. The room never truly got cold even with the AC on all day. No wifi in rooms so even if you wanted to check work email really quick or facetime back home. The only wifi was in the lobby but it was super slow. Also they opened up the resort to accommodate more of the locals which I understand, so that they can have more income flowing in but the issue with that, the locals were very rude and entitled. Multiple times, they would cut you in line or if a staff member is helping, they would interrupt so that they can be helped. I know that's not something the staff can control but, if they're helping me, they shouldn't stop to help someone that just decided to interrupt us, they could of politely told the person to wait but that was not the case.

05 Marzo de 2019 13:33

Muy buenas Las instalaciones, las atenciones de Los colaboradores y LA comida, me gusto qur esta muy proximo a la playa

26 Febrero de 2019 22:17

Room not so great, food not so good, too many locals on the weekends. Drinks good, entertainment tops, nice beach.

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